Friday 3 June 2011

Which Australian politician said this?

“I think there does need to be give and take on both sides, and this idea that sex is kind of a woman's right to absolutely withhold, just as the idea that sex is a man's right to demand I think they are both they both need to be moderated, so to speak.” *

Give yourself a pat on the back if you immediately thought that only Australian Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott would voice the idea that a woman doesn’t have an absolute right to say no.

* ABC TV Q&A, Religion, Sex and Politics, Thursday 19 March 2009


Patricia WA said...

I think he more recently (August, 2010?) also made the comment that it was difficult sometimes to know when a woman really means "No!" I found that really inspiring!

Tony Abbott says he’s not clear
About how to act if he should hear
A woman in the private sphere
Say “No! Go away! Just disappear!”

He doesn’t know the way to go
Hearing that as an eager beau?
Gee! That can lead to lots of woe
If you’re confused by “Yes!” and “No!”

Ignorance of that in public life
Can lead to trouble and to strife.
Canberra examples of this are rife
With tales of the assassin’s knife.

So, will we now hear him confess
He was confused by Howard’s “Yes!”
For Liberals on the ETS?
Does that explain his climate mess?

Or was that when he was excused
From Cabinet, which then was used
To by-pass his known sceptic views?
Was that “Crap!” because he felt abused?

Liberal women who are ‘Pro-Choice’
Made clear to him their strong “Yes!” voice
On RU486. That noise
Drowned out his “Noes!” and ‘Pro-Life’ Joyce.

“Yes” and “No!” we all learned at school,
In class, at sport, in swimming pools.
Abbott can’t play by Aussie rules?
He needs a trainer, someone who’ll
Show him! How about our Jules?

clarencegirl said...

In verse it's just as frightening isn't it! Loved the poem :-)