Saturday 10 January 2009

And you thought is 'twas only Muslims.........

I stumbled across a website yesterday called the Catholic League: for religious and civil rights.
Intriguingly it links to annual reports on anti-Catholicism (up to 2007) and other supposedly anti sentiment - Christmas Wars and The Jewish Community Should Rethink Its Attitude Towards Pius XII.
But what really fascinated me were the cartoons this report objected to in 2007, like the one above.
It seems that it isn't just the Islamic faith which is touchy over caricature and political comment.
And this mob keep a yearly tally!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Catholic church has never been a supporter of free speech or of progressibve opinions except when it is in the narrow interests of the Church and its own imperialistic obsessions.Indocrination and subservience are the spiritual and intellectual aims of that institution that must be one of the most deeply influential fascist organisations of all time...