Friday 17 October 2008

ASIO laugh of the week via Crikey

Crikey on Monday:

"ASIO is advertising for intelligence officers, but to apply, you have to email a recruitment company for an application form ( You can see this on the following page. But how good can ASIO's security be if a private company (and a foreign one at that) will have the name of every applicant? TMP may not necessarily know who is successful with their application to become an intelligence officer, but they will have a complete list of applicants and so if anybody later on ever wants to find if someone is a ASIO intelligence officer or works for ASIO they can just see if their name is on the applicant list. Seeing as TMP is a foreign company, how safe can it be giving them a list of all ASIO job applicants? You'd think ASIO would be handling that in-house. Their own website says:

Please note: All applications for employment with ASIO are handled in the strictest confidence. It is essential that you DO NOT discuss your application with others as doing so may adversely affect your application.

But they still outsource the recruiting of Australia's spy agency to a foreign company --- that doesn't seem very good security to me."

Just gotta laugh!

Cartoon came from

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